Longtoed shoes
Burgundy lady
competing at the A & S championship at the Kingdom University in Lübeck
10-12 November 2006.
Category: Sciences
Description: With black and green upper leather decorated with white
Material: Leather, linen thread and some
Place: Western Europe, my shoe model are
inspired from Schnabelshuhe,
Time: approx 1550

Leather from goat or cow, sole leather from ox, 3 thread spun, linen thread,
waxed with beeswax to go smoother.
Tools: A
sharp awl and two leather needles and a sharp knife and scissors.
The pattern was inspired from these find of
medieval shoes and paintings from the period.
Se pictures.

never see it on common people, who are forced
to dress more practical.
The long toe had different decorations and
length, this promiscuous focus on shoes provoked the church to dislike the
new shoe fashion, and called it extravagance, and implied that the
occasionally upturned long stuffed toe was a symbol of declining morality.
Anyway the long toed shoe last to another
fashion comes through, the Cow mouth/ Kuhmaul in the 15th

Alte Pinakothek, Munich The birth of Mary
The making of shoes
First I made a paper pattern on my right
foot, cut out the pattern in cotton cloth and made a “dummy”. Here I draw
and cut out, where the seams should be, and created the design of the upper
leather. The cloth pattern was after some adjustments transferred to the
leather pieces.
The shoes was sewn inside out, with a folded leather ribbon or welt, between
the upper leather and the sole, this technique was to prevent tear of the
seam and the vulnerable upper leather, but it was hard to make it on long
toed shoes, because of a change of sewing technique in the toe area.
I used two, not sharp, leather needles in
each end of an 3 thread spun, linen thread, waxed with beeswax to go
smoother. A sharp awl penetrated the leather and first I picked one needle
through, and from the opposite, I picked the other needle through and pulled
the thread hard. This is called the shoemakers sewing. It gives a strong
seam that looks similar at both sides.
After sewing the upper leather pieces
together into two whole pieces, I sew the upper leather together with the
soles, inside out, with the welt in between and a support triangle leather
at the heels.

triangle extra piece in the heel.
I waited to sew the last 5 cm in the toe
after the turning of the shoe.
After a half hour in hand warm water the
shoes still was hard to turn, because they were so long and I only had left
5 cm, not sewn.
The shoes dried out with some newspaper
stuffed inside it to form the shoes right.
Sewing the toes together was not as hard as I
thought. I used the awl carefully, to make hole through the sole and through
the upper leather. The old finds are sewn right horizontal through the sole,
but I didn’t need to do so. I worked from the both sides and out to the toe
end and made an invisible knot ore two, to end the seam.
I decorated the edges with clovers on a
string and a “flip” on top of the shoes. This is only an “extravagant” idea
I got but it felt very period, because the limit was the church and the
practical use of the shoes.

The openings got a support edge and a leather
string to closing.

The medieval shoes were either one soled, or
divided in front foot and heel, I choosed to make my in one sole.
A leather sole are very slippery so I also
glued on a rubber sole, just so the shoes will last longer. The medieval
owner would have used corksole, woodensole, patinas or layers of hard
Footwear of the middle Ages – Long toed shoes, pictures of finds. Paintings
and illustrations: Les Riches Heures,
of the rose – Dancers in a garden, The birth of Mary by the elder Pinakothek,
Munich, among other pictures from my favourite book: Medieval Panorama
edited by Robert Bartlett. Also available on my favourite web: www.wga.hu.
